First blog post!

Early 2010 I started to research RTW travel with children. I was overwhelmed to find amazingly detailed travel blogs of families crisscrossing the world; some with 2 children and some with 4! I was truly inspired and motivated… if they could do it then I believed we could travel and blog our adventures too. Now motivated to want to fulfill my travel dreams, I set about convincing my husband! This done it was time to spread the word of our epic intentions. Slowly the word filtered out to family and friends that we had grand plans of seeing the big wide world. No turning back now. Like a fellow family blogger said, you can’t back out now because everyone will ask why. Is cancelling world travel to care for your gold fish at home a good enough reason? Hell no. I have often said that the world is so big and we are just a small dot on the map. Now we are So here is my first blog on our fabulous site. Much thanks goes to the talent of our friends at Without their expertise the ‘Four Dots On The Map: Baigrie Family Blog’ would not exist and we would not have the fun of blogging our travels for our family and friends and the opportunity to inspire other families contemplating world travel with children. Hope you enjoy the many blogs ahead. Follow our journey as we blog our impending departure from Australia; followed by our on-route adventures and the guaranteed trials and tribulations of RTW travel with two boisterous sons; and finally our return to Oz and resettlement into everyday life!



  • Colin Burns August 25, 2010

    Hi Karina,

    Congrats on getting the website up and running I know how exciting it is (when it’s your own).

    We look forward to learning about all your adventures and all of the preparation over the next 5 months.

    Remember, everything is much cheaper over here and you can get everything you’ll need so don’t panic if you run out of time. Maybe that just the relaxed Colin talking after 7 months in South East Asia.

    Hopefully we’ll get to see you guys on the road.


  • Crystal August 25, 2010

    I can’t wait!!! We look forward to seeing you in your year…..and hearing your stories of travel adventures.

  • Tracy Burns August 25, 2010

    Congrats on making the decision to go. You’ve got a website now (which looks fantastic) announcing you’re doing it so you have to go now! No backing out. You’re going to have a fantastic time.

    Its actually quite amazing how many families are out there doing this kind of travel. We thought we were quite alone in our craziness when we left. We’d come across blogs of other families with older children travelling the world, but none with kids our age. But everywhere we’ve been we’ve run into other families with young kids on extended travel.

    Looking forward to reading your blog posts once you get on the road. We’ll be back travelling again early next year so perhaps our paths will cross.

  • Madeleine August 26, 2010


  • Michelle Fielding August 30, 2010

    Exciting stuff for you guys! Don’t trust us with your goldfish though!

  • Simone Dullaway August 30, 2010

    Hi Karina, I wish I could be a dot on the map with you next year. I’ll just have to be satisfied with staying home and minding your dryer. Love Simone

  • Karen Schmidt September 7, 2010

    Hi Karina! I always knew you were one really special exchange student! What a wonderful trip for you and your family- I am quite envious! Can’t wait ’til you get back to Ohio!

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