USA here I come!

In just two sleeps I will be getting on a plane bound for Kansas City, Missouri. Yes, a destination high on everyone’s list of places to go; closely followed by Cincinnati and Strongsville, Ohio.  I am attending the American School Health Association conference – exciting stuff if that is what you are into …. and I am.  Can’t wait to catch up with my Ohioan (is that a word?) friends and talk about our plans for next year. A bit of shopping will occur as well, all in the name of preparation for our world adventure – of course!  Well, can not dilly dally any longer. Have an amazing list of things to do to survive this weekend of wedding, birthday etc before I even get to the airport. Whoopee! Later ……


1 Comment

  • Madeleine October 11, 2010

    Dear Rogue Dot, Are you getting a head start on the other three dots or just putting in some good travelling practice???

    Catch you back at work all too soon.


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