Note to all advertisers and hopeful guest writers

Thank you to all our avid readers, some we know and some we will never know.  I have received a number of enquiries over the last six months from advertising agencies and others seeking to be guest writers for our site.  For the record, is not accepting any advertising at this time, unless Crocs, Lonely Planet or some other cool company I really love and want to endorse, approaches us with a million dollar deal!  I am also maintaining the integrity of our website to purely our own content so that our family and friends, our main target audience, get to read about our adventures and nobody else’s.  Thank you for understanding.


1 Comment »

  • Nola Hulin August 19, 2011

    Happy Birthday Steve, hope you are all still enjoying everything you are doing we certainly enjoy logging in to see where you have been! all our love Bob & Nola

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