26 Aug

Hi Auntie Heather, this post is for you!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Scotland, Update    

Hello Auntie Heather.  We think of you often even though we are slack at keeping in touch!  We have been thinking of you even more whilst in the UK with all the amazing fields of heather everywhere as August is the peak month, that’s all that purple stuff.  Heather is particularly popular in Scotland given the other two photos of this collection.  Love to you both in...

22 Aug

200 days!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Scotland, Update    

Today we have met another milestone in our travels.  Today we have been travelling for … 200 days!  6 months and 19 days or 28 weeks and 3 days.  However you choose to look at it it is a long time to be away from home and family and friends. When I announced this amazing fact to my children, these were their responses.

Harris (aged 9 ½)  said “Yeah.” (Like ho hum).


20 Aug


Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Update    

Have you been wondering what the Baigrie Family’s plans were for the next 5 months?  Me too!  Only in the last 3 days have we finally worked out what our plans would be after we return from Spain in October. Hold onto your hats because I have actually put it online for everyone to read. Here is our much awaited itinerary update for www.fourdotsonthemap.com

  • 3rdSeptember –...

19 Aug

Note to all advertisers and hopeful guest writers

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Update    

Thank you to all our avid readers, some we know and some we will never know.  I have received a number of enquiries over the last six months from advertising agencies and others seeking to be guest writers for our site.  For the record, www.fourdotsonthemap.com is not accepting any advertising at this time, unless Crocs, Lonely Planet or some other cool company I really...

24 Jul

Day 171 The half-way mark!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Plans, Update    

You know when you get to the end of a year and you think ‘Where did that year go?’  My greatest fear before we embarked on our journey was that we would get to the end of our year and we would feel it went too fast.  Well, this day makes the half way point of our round the world adventure and we are all still alive and well and it feels like it is moving at just the right...

4 Jul

Best Family Travel Advice!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, RTW blogs, Update    

We thought becoming one of Babble’s Top 25  Family Travel Blogs was fantastic, and it is … but now we have been honoured by an invitation to join the ultra cool crew at


Of course we accepted the invitation and now we are part of a team of family travel bloggers that aim to help families with their questions on travel with children of all...

5 May

We came 2nd in the 25 Best Travel Blogs for Families!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, RTW blogs, Update    

Thanks www.babble.com for voting us 2nd in the 25 Best Travel Blogs for Families! 

We are delighted!  All those early mornings and late nights of webposting and uploading photos has paid off. 

I am busy finishing off our adventures in Vietnam for everyone to read.  Soon we will update you on our travels through Hong Kong; with plans for Taiwan and China on our list of...

3 May

Many days in Hanoi, Vietnam

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Update, Vietnam    

Our journey to Hanoi got off to a very slow start.  The weather in Hue was so foggy and probably smoggy too, that the plane arriving from down south had to divert to Danang before landing in Hue before we could finally board to go to Hanoi.  We sat in the Hue airport for 2 extra hours. iPods kept the boys entertained whilst waiting. Steve and I read and used the wifi...

1 May

Days 81-84 in Sapa, Vietnam

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Update, Vietnam    

To get to Sapa you take a sleeper bus or a train. Most tourists spend one night on the train, one night in Sapa and one night back on the train.  We were adding an extra night in Sapa to extend the journey a little. We caught the night train from Hanoi to Lao Cai, which is a one hour drive from Sapa. The first adventure was trying to ‘cash in’ our voucher for the actual...

15 Apr

Days 68-71 in Hoi An, Vietnam

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Update, Vietnam    

Hoi An – what a quaint little place to spend a few days. The boys were most excited to discover that our hotel for the next 3 nights had a pool right outside our room. Their first priority upon arrival was to swim and refresh after our Marble Mountain walk and car journey. 


Then it was time to walk the streets of Hoi An. First stop, a tailor shop recommended by the hotel...

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