1 Aug

Photos to come when wifi is good

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General    

Hi all,

Despite being the proud owner of a brand new dongle, my internet is still not entirely reliable so for the next little while you may notice that I have written some lovely posts but they will not be accompanied by amazing photographic journelling until my wifi gets its act together. I will tell you in the title if the photos are missing and let you know when they...

1 Aug

Day 179 Back to the UK … Brighton

Posted By: Baigrie Family in England, France, General    

Up early because we had a boat to catch to Dover.  We packed, ate, jumped in the car and followed the signs to the Calais Ferry Terminal.  We were on time for boarding for our 9 am boat.  Showed the UK border security guy our passports to get in and he asked what our plans were when we got to the UK. We told him and he asked “Are you ever going home?”  Yes, but not just...

31 Jul

Day 178 – Paris to Calais, France

Posted By: Baigrie Family in France, General    

We all enjoyed a good night’s sleep after another late night out in Paris.  Ate some fresh baguettes and jam for breakfast and packed up our room after 4 nights in the one place; the longest we have stayed anywhere since leaving Sweden.  In order to leave the hostel we had to pack our car and exit the car park of the hostel but there were 5 cars parked in the tiny carpark...

30 Jul

Days 174-177 – Playing in Paris

Posted By: Baigrie Family in France, General    

On our last day of sightseeing in Paris we walked from Notre-Dame to the beautiful Jardin de Luxembourg, a massive park in the city.  As we made our way into the park, looking for somewhere to sit, the boys made a beeline for the water to watch the sailing boats.  We had to join in the fun – for 2 Euro (for 1/2 hour) you could hire a small wooden sailing boat to launch on...

30 Jul

Days 174-177 – Paris in Pictures #2

Posted By: Baigrie Family in France, General    

No visit to Paris is complete without going to the Eiffel Tower.  I met up with Steve and the boys here in the afternoon and we walked the 700 stairs up to the 2nd level.  On the 2nd level you can then pay extra money to catch the lift but the line was still so long that we decided we really didn’t need to go to the top.  We had a wonderful time on the 2nd level and the...

30 Jul

Days 174-177, Paris in Pictures #1

Posted By: Baigrie Family in France, General    

Here is a photo journey of our time in Paris, France at the Arc de Triumphe, Obelisk, Avenue de Champs Elysees, the Lourve, Musee d’Orsay, Sacre Coeur, Notre-Dame, Jardin de Luxembourg (park) and Galleries Lafayette (mall).

A bridge, along the boulevard to the Musee d’Orsay, that is covered with hundreds of old and new keyed locks for couples.  How sweet!


30 Jul

The Eiffel Tower by Patrick.

Posted By: Baigrie Family in France, General, Patrick's World (Aged 5)    
27 Jul

Day 174 – Let’s go to Paris!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in France, General    

I woke early to say goodbye to Christelle before she headed off to work early.  It was fabulous catching up with her after so many years.  Whilst it would have been amazing to meet her three boys, we were grateful that we could use their bedroom in their absence.  I received an email from an old friend in Australia a couple of weeks ago saying she would be in Paris this...

26 Jul

Day 173 – Big Day out in Brussels, Belgium

Posted By: Baigrie Family in Belgium, General    

We explored the internet the night before to work out what we would like to do in Brussel on our big day out.  My friend Christelle was going to be our guide/translator for the day.  We decided to drive but when we hit some slow traffic at roadworks just out of Brussel I wondered whether the train might have been the better option.  Finally the traffic got moving and we...

25 Jul

Day 172 – Fleron, Belgium

Posted By: Baigrie Family in Belgium, General    

We were headed to Fleron, Liege, Belgium to visit my old friend Christelle.  We had not seen each other for 18 years so it was fantastic to be able to meet again.  We drove from Luxembourg to Fleron, via the city of Liege. Just before leaving Luxembourg we filled up the car with diesel since it is about 15 cents cheaper per litre in Luxembourg!  We could have also stocked...

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