8 Oct

USA here I come!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General    

In just two sleeps I will be getting on a plane bound for Kansas City, Missouri. Yes, a destination high on everyone’s list of places to go; closely followed by Cincinnati and Strongsville, Ohio.  I am attending the American School Health Association conference – exciting stuff if that is what you are into …. and I am.  Can’t wait to catch up with my Ohioan (is that a...

28 Sep

Travel Insurance

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Health, Preparation    

Just one of the many mind boggling things to research. Finally after much thought and thanks to an article in ‘The Sunday Mail’ about the best travel insurance, I found the www.canstar.com.au website.  Great website.  Now I know what travel insurance company we will book through when our departure date gets closer.

28 Sep

Packing List for 4 – Technology.

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Packing List, Preparation    

Here is the techno stuff.  Again, all comments and suggestions welcome. If you have been there and done that with RTW travel and technology, then share your wisdom please!  I’ve added colour to the items we have already assembled.

iPod Touch iPod Touch ASUS Eee PC 1005P and Case Logic case Panasonic Lumix TZ10 camera and case
Ear-splitter headphones  

28 Sep

Packing List for 4 – Miscellaneous Items.

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Packing List, Preparation    

The extra stuff you can’t do without …. or maybe we can?  What do you think? I’ve added colour to the items we have already assembled for the journey.

Miscellaneous Items:
Passport Passport Passport & pen Passport & pen
Kid id band Kid id band Folder (paperwork) Notepad
Neck pillow Neck pillow Neck pillow Neck pillow
Sleep sheet Sleep sheet Sleep sheet Sleep...

28 Sep

Packing List for 4 – Toiletries.

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Packing List, Preparation    

Here is our list of toiletries. Some might disagree with the hair dryer and some makeup but my photos will look a whole lot better for it! I’ve shaded in blue that we already have assembled.

Toothpaste to share Toothbrush Toothbrush Toothbrush
Kid shampoo and body wash x 1   Toothpaste to share Cologne
Toothbrush   Liquid soap Comb

28 Sep

Packing List for 4 – Clothing.

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Packing List, Preparation    

Here it is – the current version of the Baigrie Family packing list (in parts).  This list was compiled by researching the gear lists from a number of great blogs and using my good old commonsense.  I welcome all comments, suggestions and recommendations! I’ve coloured the items we already have.

Packing List for RTW trip.
Patrick Harris Karina Steve

27 Sep

New RTW family blog.

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, RTW blogs    

Take a peek at this website.  Another Australian family is planning to embark on a RTW trip just before us.


27 Sep

Cuboree wash out!

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General    

The first Cuboree camp in Queensland was …. wet wet wet!   Harris and I, along with 859 of our closest Cub Scout friends, leaders and helpers, descended on Stanthorpe on Friday for what we anticipated to be 5 days and 4 nights of camp. 

From the moment we ’bumped in’ it was obvious how much rain the camp ground had already received. Those lucky people who owned gumboots...

18 Sep

Netbook has arrived.

Posted By: Baigrie Family in General, Packing List    

After travelling to two conferences recently with the world’s heaviest chunkiest laptop, I was determined that whatever computer we took RTW with us had to be light and compact.  Choosing a netbook was like anything related to this adventure so far – it involved many hours of consultation and online research. Finally I came to the conclusion that the bargain at Myer was the...

11 Sep

Favourite RTW family blogs.

Posted By: Baigrie Family in Preparation, RTW blogs    

Hours of googling on the Internet means my ‘Favourites’ list has grown rapidly and exponentially.  Initially I began searching for RTW travel with kids and stumbled across blogs written by families.  This really inspired me to 1. Want to go RTW with my family and 2. have my own blog.  In my many hours of searching I have only found two Australian websites.   If you know of...

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