Flight path ….

For all of you out there wondering what the heck we are doing … here it is (kind of). As previously mentioned we have flights into a continent and out again and this is how it looks.

  1. Brisbane to Jakarta via Sydney on 4th February 2011 – yippee. Spend this time with my cousin and his family. Need to fly out about 14th February so we don’t overstay our welcome!  Need to book that flight out.  Envisage lots of air, tuk tuk, long boat, train, bus, car, donkey, elephant and leg power travel during our time in Asia.
  2. Beijing to London on 1st June 2011. Potter around in merry ol’ Londontown for a week perhaps before heading to Sweden for the Summer Solstice.  After a couple of weeks in Sweden we will commence tripping around Europe.
  3. London to USA on 8th September 2011. Drive and fly around USA and Canada to visit friends, hike national parks and immerse ourselves in the ‘holidays’.
  4. San Francisco to Brisbane in January 2012 (cannot set the exact date yet as too far in advance). Pop in a visit the Higham Family from 360 Degrees Longitude whilst in the San Fran area.

There you have it. One very open itinerary with a great deal of freedom inbetween flights. I get excited just reading over it to proofread!  Usually I am very much an organisational guru, as my friends and family would attest.  Schedules and lists come out my ears. So far I haven’t really done that for this trip anywhere near as much as I probably should?  When I have the majority of the house packed up and out of sight out of mind, then I look foward to really thinking about the smaller details of what, when and how; that will be when the fun really begins.



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